My domain name isn't working (website or email address unavailable)
- The domain name has expired: renew or restore it
- The owner's email address has not been validated: update the email address if necessary, then resend the verification email.
- The domain name has not been activated: some extensions require explicit activation after your registration request has been granted.
- The name servers are down or not correctly configured. If you are using external servers, contact the service provider in question; if you are using Gandi's name servers, check the corresponding page for the domain, verify that your DNS records are valid, or open a support ticket at the bottom of this page.
- The domain name has been suspended by the registry. This could be due to an invalid name or postal address, the domain name being involved in illicit or malicious activities, a legal issue, etc. The registry generally contacts the domain owner by email. In such a case, reply to the registry directly so that they can reactivate the domain, or open a support ticket at the bottom of this page.
Check the owner's email address
Activate a domain name (.ca, .cn, .dk, .it, .no, ...)