I'm having trouble changing my company name
Your company name cannot be changed, as it is a legal entity.
You can, however, move your company's products (with the exception of SSL certificates) to another organization. Please refer to the owner change process in our documentation.
The only exception is if your organization changes its legal name without establishing a new legal entity: although it is often easiest to simply do an "owner change" (which is free of charge for most products), don't hesitate to contact our customer service department to see if we can be of assistance, especially if the number of products involved is significant; we will ask you for proof of the legal name change.
Change the owner of a domain name
You can, however, move your company's products (with the exception of SSL certificates) to another organization. Please refer to the owner change process in our documentation.
The only exception is if your organization changes its legal name without establishing a new legal entity: although it is often easiest to simply do an "owner change" (which is free of charge for most products), don't hesitate to contact our customer service department to see if we can be of assistance, especially if the number of products involved is significant; we will ask you for proof of the legal name change.
Change the owner of a domain name