Order process
Each step in the checkout process is indicated in the page header:
To go back, always use the buttons provided rather than your browser's “back” button.
I. Go to basket
When you add products to the shopping cart, a red “notification badge” indicates the number of products currently in the cart.
Access the basket by clicking on the “ shopping cart ” icon in the top right-hand corner of the interface.
II. Step 1: Ownership & Billing
- Invoice this order to
It's important to pay particular attention to the organization chosen at this stage, as this is this is to whom the invoice will be made out. So take the time to check the “Invoice...to” section, which displays the “invoiced” organization.
By default, the system selects the last organization used, but you can change this choice by clicking on the green downward-pointing arrow to the right of the current organization information. Clicking on this button will bring up a list of your organizations, so all you have to do is choose the right one. - Owner
By default, there is no choice of owner for a personal or professional organization. The information of the organization chosen to be billed will also be used as the owner information.
If it's an Organization (company type or similar) chosen as Billing Address, then you'll have the choice of choosing another existing organization (including your personal organization) as Owner (buying for someone else) or creating one “on the fly”.
Note for resellers: It's at this step that you can choose or create the owner for a domain name you're registering on behalf of someone else. You'll see a “Choose owner” button that lets you choose an existing “customer” or enter the details of a new customer. Your existing “customers” will be added to the “Choose owner” drop-down menu.
Once the information has been verified and, if necessary, modified, click on "Continue" to move on to the next step.
III. Step 2: Shopping cart
In this step, you'll find details of the various operations to be paid for (registration, renewal, webhosting creation, etc.), presented separately. The billing address is also displayed under “Billing address”, and can be changed at this stage by clicking on “Change”.
For all products:
- The “X” icon to the right of a product allows you to remove it from the basket.
- The red “trash can” icon in the “ Shopping cart” section allows you to empty the shopping cart completely.
It is also at the “ Shopping cart " stage that you can select the duration (months or years, depending on the type of product) of the desired operation from the drop-down menu entitled ’Duration”.
Once you've checked your order and modified it if necessary via the options displayed, tick the boxes under "Contracts to accept" to activate the "Pay" button (at the bottom of the page) to access the payment page.
Below the button, you'll also find a link to generate a “ProForma” invoice, which you can save (in pdf format) or print out. You can resume payment at a later date from the “BILLING” page (in the left-hand menu), in the “Orders” tab of the organization involved.