Login and Security Options
Allows you to change your username (the handle you use when logging into your Gandi account). You can change your account password (the password you use to log in to your Gandi account).
Multi-factor authentication (MFA)
Security keys
Security keys are a physical device (usually a "USB key") used to block access to an account if it is not present (inserted into a USB port on the connected computer). Click on this link for more information:
TOTP authentication application (2FA)
This method uses an external application (usually on a smartphone, but not exclusively) to generate, in sync with your account, a login validation token. Click on the following link for more information:
IP restriction
IP restriction is a method of limiting access to your account to computers using the IP addresses of your choosing:
Developer access
Personal Access Token (PAT)
This function allows you to generate identification tokens for use when making requests via the public API, enabling you to limit access in terms of time, permissions and resources.
API key (deprecated)
This is the old (obsolete) method for using the public API on products linked to your account.
Recovery options
You can find more detailed documentation on all the methods for restoring access to your account should you encounter a problem logging in at :
Email recovery
This is where you specify the email addresses you wish to use to recover access to your account. When you save them, you'll need to confirm their validity by entering a code that will be emailed to the address in question.
QR Code recovery
You can print out or save a QR code, to be used via a smartphone to validate the recovery of access to your account.
Recovery via security key
Allows you to use "physical" keys, such as those used to access your account, to recover access to your account. The same key can be used for both account access and recovery, or you can use different keys.
Authorized applications
Lists the applications to which you can connect using your Gandi login.
Personal Access Token (PAT)
Email notification center (Account and communication preferences)
This section allows you to manage the format in which you prefer to receive informational emails associated with your account address, subscriptions to the various newsletters and, finally, the various notifications sent to your organization(s).